2024 – 2025 Pushkin theme is ‘The Spiking Heat of Inspiration’
Comments Off on 2024 – 2025 Pushkin theme is ‘The Spiking Heat of Inspiration’The Pushkin Trust’s theme for this year ‘the spiking heat of inspiration’, was inspired by the chapter, ‘The classroom visit’, written by Pearl Stewart, Trustee, in the book Voices. In this chapter she details the impact of the Pushkin approach and how a workshop in her classroom brought a spice and a vibrance of inspiration where ‘sloppy copies feel the weight and speed of ideas, memories and stories.’ A time where ideas spun as each pupil became inspired through creativity and, as a result, each pupil found their own unique voice, finding is tune, place and a sense of pride.
‘…the opening rays of Father Sun toss our blanket aside as upturned faces accept the spiking heat of inspiration. ’
Pearl Stewart, The Classroom Visit, Voices, 2013.
The thematic unit is available below to download.
The following texts can be used to accompany the theme: